Good point
Debate continues to rage between the decision to make English the USA's official language. One reason critics have gone against it is that the English language is difficult to learn. The Pew Hispanic Center reported that 88 percent of second-generation Latinos surveyed say they don't speak English very well. Detailed in the article, "1 out of 8 American-born children of Hispanic immigrants does not speak English very well." It was also revealed that a "small minority" of first-generation Latino immigrants describe themselves as fluent English speakers (one in four Latino immigrants says he or she is able to speak English very well.) But that's first generation Latinos. 2nd generation Latinos normally don't have that problem due to the fact that they grow up in an American, English speaking society.
Interesting fact: Even though English is the dominant language online, two-thirds of Internet users don’t know English. This article details the well known language of "Engrish", a language which mixes certain Asian languages and English. It is very common and major sites, like YouTube hold them. This article shows the importance of English not just in America, but worldwide in what can be argued as the most important form of communication for today's generation. Many countries hold English as the official language and many more hold it as a secondary language. In today's world many more people are becoming bilingual. And for most, one of those languages is English.