Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Immigrants' children grow fluent in English, study says


This article points out a sort of assimilation of immigrants into American culture, particular of the English language. Last year, a report analyzed surveys of several thousand Latino immigrants and found that 23% of adult first-generation Latinos say they can carry on a conversation very well in English, while 88% in the second generation and 94% in the third say likewise. It also showed that Mexicans are the least likely to say they speak English well, which may be because of a lower education level. As the younger generation molds with their peers in public areas, such as school, they pick up on the language and social groupings much easier. Because of this they are able to connect more with the English language and American culture more readily than their Latino roots.


Ms. Biondi said...

Ryan, please don't forget to summarize the article in addition to posting the link and also putting in your own thoughts on the subject. For example, I find it very heartening that the children of immigrants learn the language as quickly as they do. It undermines a very big, and in my opinion, racist argument against immigrants. How do you feel about this? And what does the article say, in your own words?

Eric said...

I believe English should be the offical lauguage because to me it seems more easier to learn beacuse more immigrants come to America and they learn English quickly.

♫Cristian♫ said...

To me it was easy to learn it so i wouldn't care if English was the official language, but for other people could be hard.

Brittany said...

What do you think about immagrents coming into the US and us english speakers being forced to learn spanish or a 2nd language just to graduate highschool